
The CA Administrator can search for all types of user certificates, including individual, device, code signing, and document signer certificates, etc. This can be done in any non-CA and non-role owner certificate group within the emCA database.

Select a search criteria from the dropdown box on the left. The following search criteria are available:

  • Serial Number – the serial number of the user certificate

  • Common Name – the common name (CN) of the user certificate

  • Issuer Name – the CN of the issuer (= CA) of the user certificate

  • Status – the state of the certificate

  • Subscriber ID – the subscriber ID used to create the user certificate

To search for information, you can enter the search value in the appropriate field, except for "Issuer Name" and "Status".

In the case of "Issuer Name", you will need to select from a dropdown box containing a list of existing CA names.

For "Status", the right field will display a dropdown box with different options to select from.

Click "Search" after inserting search value or selecting the status filter to find matching user certificates. An example of a specific filter is shown below

Each entry in the table “Certificate Details” represents one user certificate.

View Certificate: To access user certificate details, simply click on the "View" icon.

Download: Click on the "Download" icon to download the certificate as:

  • DER-encoded X.509 certificate (.cer)

  • Base64-encoded X.509 certificate (.cer)

  • Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard PKCS#7 certificate (.p7b)

Select your preferred export format and click "Download" to start downloading your user certificate to the standard OS location.

In case there are too many search results to fit on one page, you can navigate through the pages by using the pagination feature located at the bottom of the table.

Simply click on the "Reset" button located in the top-right corner of the UI to clear the search filter.

Last updated