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This section provides step by step guide for installation, configuration and usage of TSA Core. TSA Core including (emTSA and eTSA) is used for timestamping the requests received. And also help in managing timestamping Signers as well as keys.
Note: All actions required for setting up and configuring TSA Core should be done using administrator privileges
Environment Variables For
This file is used to configure database related properties like dialect, driver class name, URL, Username, password (database user should have full privilege to the schema created for TSA application) as well as logs.
For Linux
For setting the environment variable in Linux, run the following command.
sudo -H gedit /etc/environment
It will open environment folder and set TSA Core path inside that
TSACORE_CONFIGURATION_PATH for file as shown in below figure
Once the Environment variable is set for, the user can open the to configure various options which includes configuring of database as well as logs.
Please find below is the file snapshot for reference: Database file is used to configure database related properties where we can configure database properties like dialect, driver class name, URL, Username, password (database user should have full privilege to the schema created for TSA).
Open the file and change the below DB configuration:
The application uses Log4j for logging. Please specify the local server path for collecting the logs in the log4j.xml file. The local server path of log4j.xml file need to be provided in file which is set in the environment variables [please refer section]
Log4J XML file as shown below:
In the above LOCAL SERVER PATH, the administrator has to provide folder path where in the log files get generated.
The following component is required for deployment:
TSA CORE(emTSA.war and eTSA.war file)
TSA CORE comes as 2 war files which has to be deployed on the application server. Server provides configuration through properties file.
Please configure and save all the properties defined in section - ‘(B) For’ under section Environment Variables. Then deploy the configured TSA Core war file.
Please find below steps to deploy the application:
Copy the eTSA.war inside Tomcat ->Web apps folder apache-tomcat\webapps
Windows run services.msc
Go to Apache Tomcat and Click start
Once deployment is successfully done and the server is started, Open any browser like internet explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox etc. and enter URL- as mentioned below in enter address field place (For ex: https://
The TSA Login page will be displayed.
To verify whether logs are getting generated as per the path defined, please open the folder that is mentioned in the configuration path set in log4j.xml file (Configuration->log4j.xml)
Please make sure that the log file is created in the above-mentioned path.
[DialectInfo] refers to Dialect information
[DriverClassName] refers to Driver class name
[URL] refers to Database URL
[UserName] refers to UserName who has access to this schema
[Password] refers to Password for the user ( Refer Section 6)