Role based Access
To ensure security, the emCA application is designed such that each role has a unique set of permissions. The following are the roles and their corresponding duties.
CA Administrator:
Initial setup: Completes the initial setup process of the emCA application.
License registration: Generates a license request and uploads the license to register the emCA application.
User management: Creates and manages Administrator users.
Certificate authority (CA) management: Deletes Root CA, CA, and Sub/Issuing CA certificates and key pairs.
Certificate profile management: Creates and manages certificate profiles.
Key profile management: Creates and manages key profiles.
User management: Creates and manages Officer, Auditor, and Operator users.
CA key generation: Generates CA keys.
CA hierarchy management: Creates and manages the CA hierarchy.
Certificate revocation list (CRL)/Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) service management: Creates and manages CRL/OCSP services.
Certificate management: Creates and manages CA, user, and OCSP certificates using certificate profiles created by the Administrator.
Scheduler configuration: Configures the scheduler.
Certificate revocation and reinstatement: Revokes and reinstates certificates as needed.
Key recovery: Performs complete key recovery activities.
Audit log management: Views and downloads audit logs.
Report generation: Generates various types of reports.
Backup and restore: Performs backup and restore operations.
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