Generation of Soft Token Certificate

On the Dashboard page, click on the Manage User Certificate ->Enroll sub-menu as shown in figure below.

Note: In this, you can download the pfx/JKS/JCEKS file of the certificate. If the user profile created by admin contains KRS enabled parameter checked then only those user profiles will be displayed Soft token certificate creation.

In the above page:

By default “Soft token” radio button will be selected.

Select the Certificate profile created for user certificate issuance.

The Subject DN fields are displayed based on the certificate profile selected. Accordingly, fill in the details.

Enter Subscriber ID.

Select the Key algorithm and size from the drop-down

Select the Keystore type

Click on Proceed, which displays the below page as shown in the figure.

The above page displays the details entered by “Officer” in step 1.

Click on the “Edit” button will redirect to the first step with filled details.

In the verify and confirm page, the officer can verify the data entered. Sign and Authenticate with a valid email ID and token PIN.

Click on “Create” will redirect to the next page as shown below.

Click on “Download Certificate” will download the .pfx file in the system.

Click on “+ New“ will redirect officer to step1 of enrollment where officer will be able to create user certificate.

Last updated