Application Logs

All the actions performed by the users will be displayed in the Logs report table with the latest on the top list. CA admin will be able to check his own logs and the Auditor will be able to check the logs of all the users of the group.

Login to Auditor with email ID and password as shown below:

On the Dashboard page, click on Reports -> Application Logs from sub-menu.

The user will be redirected to the Log Reports page. Refer to the below image.

Clicking on the “Verification” icon from the Action column will verify the above entire row for data integrity.

If tempered, then it will give the failure message as shown below.

If the data is correct then the success message will be displayed as shown below.


Select the “Search by” option and enter the Search string.

Click on the Search button, and filter the records.

Click on the Reset button to clear the search values.


Click on the “Export to Excel” button on the log reports page which Downloads the report in an Excel sheet to the local system.

Last updated